OHSU Coalition for Structural Change
[Description, team members involved, coalition gmail account]
[Link to google calendar of events]
Community Initiatives
Petition: Ban Tear Gas
Join Oregon Student Service Corps and other community organizations in calling upon local government to ban the use of tear gas during protests, given the increased risk of viral transmission and more severe COVID-19 cases.
PDX Protest Bail Fund
Women in Science and Alliance for Visible Diversity in Science are joining forces to raise money for the PDX Bail Fund.
Learn more about PDX Bail Fund
Support BLM Protesters
Initiative organized by OHSU graduate students to support BLM protesters through tabling and a supply drive.
Advocacy Night for Black Lives
Join several OHSU student interest groups on June 22 @ 6 PM in advocating for local change in the Black Lives Matter movement. This night will include a mini-training on advocacy through phone calls and emails. We will provide a guide on the issues, scripts to call different government officials, and time for us to do the work in solidarity. Please email Cassandra Kasten-Arias (kasten@ohsu.edu) or Erin Urbanowicz (urbanowi@ohsu.edu) with any questions.
OHSU Initiatives
Petition: Alliance for Visible Diversity in Science
Petition to get AVDS on the agenda for the June 26 OHSU Board of Directors meeting. If you are in a position of influence (faculty, administration, etc.), leverage that influence by emailing the Board, or its members directly, on our behalf. Contact Katy Lehman (lehmannk@ohsu.edu).
Prison Divest + Accountability Campaign
Join demand for divestment in prisons and use of prison labor at OHSU. Contact Allie Dyer (dyera@ohsu.edu) to learn more. Taylor Vega (vegat@ohsu.edu) and Michael Anderson (anmichae@ohsu.edu) are working on a report to present to OHSU Chief of Police.
OHSU Curriculum Initiatives
Students at OHSU are actively petitioning for changes to training curricula to have a health justice and anti-racism focus.
Contact Chris Graulty (graulty@ohsu.edu)
OHSU Student Groups and Leadership
Click here for a full list of OHSU student interest groups.
Students for Structural Change
OHSU All Hill Student Council
Alliance for Visible Diversity in Science (AVDS)
White and Non-Black POC Accomplice Group
Oregon Student Service Corps (OrSSC)
Graduate Student Organization (GSO)
Health Equity Circle
Health of Incarcerated Populations
Health Policy Interest Group
School of Public Health Leadership Council - OHSU/PSU
Students Against Gun Violence
National Student Organizations
White Coats for Black Lives
Local contact:
Student National Medical Association
Local contact:
American Medical Women’s Association
Local contact:
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association
Local contact:
Latino Medical Student Association
Local contact:
Resources could be compiled here by subject