Past Projects

Tear Gas Petition

OHSU students Ryan Stoner and Tisa Kent drafted a petition to add student voices to the demand for a ban on the use of tear gas due to evidence that its use can increase viral transmission and severity of COVID-19 cases. This petition was sent to Ted Wheeler, the new Portland chief of police Chuck Lovell, Kate Brown, and our representatives in the Oregon legislature. Read the petition here.


Masks for ¡Salud!

In collaboration with the Oregon Student Service Corps, students in the OHSU Physician Assistant program created CDC approved masks to donate to ¡Salud! ¡Salud! was created by a group of Oregon winery owners and Tuality Healthcare physicians to address barriers to health care faced by seasonal workers. In addition to masks, educational pamphlets were provided addressing proper mask use and cleaning.


PPE Education Campaign

Students at the OHSU School of Nursing came together to create and distribute educational pamphlets in public places explaining the proper use of masks and other PPE. Read reflection by leader Tisa Kent on our blog.